Breakout Writers Series - Black Mountain Institute
Black Mountain Institute - Breakout Writers Series
Feb. 9, 2022 - 7 PM PT - Zoom

Virtual Launch for BINT by Ghinwa Jawhari with Hala Alyan, Aria Aber, George Abraham, and Leila Chatti
Join us for the virtual launch of Ghinwa Jawhari's debut chapbook BINT ft. Hala Alyan, Aria Aber, George Abraham, and Leila Chatti

The 2021 Writers Studio Pushcart Prize XLV Celebration
Leila Chatti, Lydia Conklin, Meng Jin, Dustin Pearson, Luis Alberto Urrea, David Wojahn will read from their award-winning piece and current work. Pushcart Prize’s founder/editor Bill Henderson introduces. This reading is free and open to all, and will be live-streamed via zoom webinar.
Registration Required: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_e8jyLff1SrKKlods3jrW4g
Autumn House Press + Bull City Press + Four Way Books Reading
Readings by Michael Bazzett, Susan Buttenweiser, Leila Chatti, Cynthia Cruz, John Foy, Matthew Lippman, T..J. McLemore, Hadley Moore, John Murillo, Joshua Nguyen, M. Randal O’Wain, Ed Pavlic, Abigail Wender, Patricia Jabbeh Wesley, and Lori Wilson.
Missouri Lit Mags: A Virtual AWP Offsite Reading
Register in advance for this reading:

Brooklyn Poets Reading Series: Leila Chatti, Dell Lemmon, Vievee Francis
A virtual reading for the Brooklyn Poets Reading Series, hosted by Jason Koo.

Wisconsin Book Festival
Presented in partnership with the University of Wisconsin Program in Creative Writing, this edition of Wisconsin Wednesdays features UW Alumnae Rowan Hisayo Buchanan for her new novel, Starling Days, and Leila Chatti for her new poetry collection, Deluge.
Join the event at: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/starling-days--deluge. Before the event begins, you will see a countdown and the event image.

Deluge Launch!
Come celebrate the launch of Deluge! With readings by special guests Anita Skeen, Mary Szybist, Naomi Shihab Nye, Dorianne Laux, and Joy Harjo. Register via zoom. 8:30 PM EST, Tuesday 4/21/20.
The 10th Annual Westchester Poetry Festival
Reginald Dwayne Betts (Felon, Norton), keynote reader, will join Leila Chatti, (Deluge, Copper Canyon Press), Lynn Emanuel (The Nerve of It, Poems New and Selected, Pitt Poetry Series), Margo Taft Stever (Cracked Piano, CavanKerry Press) and two other poets as they read from their most recent collections.

AWP OFFSITE: Big Beautiful Copper Canyon Book Release
Join us for an AWP20 off-site poetry reading and celebration of new titles by these extraordinary Copper Canyon poets:
AWP: Fierce Lineage, Poetic Agency: Women of Copper Canyon Press - Leila Chatti, Ellen Bass, Traci Brimhall, Victoria Chang, Monica Sok
R184. Fierce Lineage, Poetic Agency: Women of Copper Canyon Press. (Leila Chatti, Ellen Bass, Traci Brimhall, Victoria Chang, Monica Sok) Reading from their own new and recent poetry collections while paying homage to a powerful lineage of female-identified poets, a diverse lineup of Copper Canyon Press authors will share poems of survival and love, desire and illness, of bodies that move with agency and voices that speak with complexity. Each reader will present, in addition to her own work, one poem by an influential woman author from Copper Canyon's 45+ year catalog.
AWP: Two Decades of Arab Lit: Making Space for Complexity
R120. (Lana Salah Barkawi, Elmaz Abinader, Joe Kadi, Mohja Kahf, Leila Chatti) Since 1999, the multidisciplinary Arab arts organization, Mizna, has published an eponymous literature and art journal dedicated to centering work from Arab American writers, which, twenty years later, remains the only such printed space. Mizna has long prioritized the authentic reflection of our community’s complexities while inviting a non-Arab readership to meet the writing on its own terms. An acclaimed literary cadre will read and reflect on the history and current state of Arab American literature

The Burning Plain
Hosted by Colleen Mayo and Sebastian Paramo, PhD students in creative writing at the University of North Texas.
This month's features are Leila Chatti, Julia Leverone, Dustin Pearson, and Jim Redmond.

Pegasus Reading Series: Leila Chatti, Keith Flynn, Chloe Honum, Dustin Pearson
Join Mag Gabbert and Sebastian Paramo as they host four writers for this month's Pegasus Reading Series!
Named Best Poetry Night by the Dallas Observer in 2015!

Raleigh Review's 10th Anniversary Reading
RALEIGH REVIEW began as a blogzine called Rig Poetry on February 21, 2010. Over the past decade, Raleigh Review has evolved into a nonprofit organization that publishes an award-winning literary magazine that believes great literature inspires empathy in neighbors everywhere in the world. Readers include Bryce Emley, Landon Houle, Leila Chatti, Dorianne Laux, Joseph Millar, and Tyree Daye.

Marie Howe, Yehoshua November, and Leila Chatti: Interfaith Poetry
Join renowned poets, Marie Howe, Yehoshua November, and Leila Chatti as they share their poetry and faiths with the Brooklyn community.
World'd Too Much: A Celebration of Russell Atkins
A celebration of World’d Too Much: The Selected Poetry of Russell Atkins, published by the Cleveland State University Poetry Center. Readers: Ali Black, Leila Chatti, Daniel Gray-Kontar, Siaara Freeman, Janice A. Lowe, Robert E. McDonough, Phil Metres, Julie Patton, Arcey Harton, and Kevin Prufer.
Bad Mouth ABQ
Featuring writers Leila Chatti, Chelsea Bunn, Maria DeBlassie, and music by Steven Romero!
Little Grassy Literary Festival
With poets E.C. Belli and Paige Lewis, fiction writers Amina Gautier and Josh Woods, and essayist Alice Bolin.

Coast to Coast: 60 Years of Poetry Northwest
(AWP Offsite)
With Camille Dungy, Geffrey Davis, Erika Meitner, Keetje Kuipers, Alix Ohlin, Nancy Lee, David Hernandez, and Ed Skoog’s bluegrass band The Hill Williams. Along with musical and literary performances, your ticket includes wine, a selection of some of the most innovative food that Portland has to offer, a mini-broadside, and really good company. Beer and signature cocktails available to purchase.
Fine Arts Work Center Celebrates 50 Years of First Books
(AWP Panel)
With Ada Limón, Nick Flynn, and Sam Ross. B110-112, Oregon Convention Center, Level 1.

32 Poems, Gulf Coast, AGNI, Pleiades, and Quarterly West
(AWP Offsite)
With Malachi Black, Traci Brimhall, Randall Mann, Marcus Wicker, Kaveh Akbar, Edgar Kunz, Natalie Shapero, Maggie Smith, Gabrielle Bates, Tiana Clark, Diane Seuss, William Archila, Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, Amorak Huey, Justin Wymer, Destiny Birdsong, F Douglas Brown, Tyler Mills, Susannah Nevison, Meghann Plunkett, David Welch, Dorothy Chan, Brandon Courtney, Luiza Flynn-Goodlett, and Carlos Price-Sanchez.

Monster Mags of the Midwest
(AWP Offsite)
Reading for Ninth Letter, Mid-American Review, Cincinnati Review, and The Journal. with Dorothy Chan, Sarah Minor, Chelsea Wagenaar, and Mark Wagenaar.